Some executives in several countries are voluntarily limiting pay, even when not required by the new rules. 有几个国家一些企业高管已开始自愿限制薪酬,即便是新规定并未作出要求。
In addition, they often begin testing business use cases early in the development cycle, when the application does not have the stability required for automation. 此外,他们经常在开发周期的早期开始测试业务用例,而这时应用软件还没有到达可以进行自动化操作所需要的稳定性。
Note that any missing dates will be added when the audit for that time runs, so full pre-population is not required, although it is considered better for reporting purposes. 请注意任何遗漏的日期只要审计在该时间运行都会被添加进来,所以不需要完全的预填充,虽然它有利于报告。
Capistrano works best when paired with a source control system, but it's not required. 如果与源代码控制系统结合使用,Capistrano的效果最好,但这不是必需的。
Leaving the instances running when they are not required can increase the cost. 在不需要实例的时候运行实例可能会增加成本。
Even better, when is it just not worth the time and effort required to introduce a new API into your application framework? 或者更具体地说,什么情况下不值得您花费时间和精力在应用程序框架中引入新的API?
When rows associated by package IDs are not required, SAP needs a quick and efficient mechanism to delete the data from the table. 当与包ID相关的行不需要时,SAP需要一种快速而有效的机制来从表中删除该数据。
Even when such companies move money through a bank account, banks are not required to know who is behind the transaction because of a loophole in the law. 因为法律漏洞,即便在这类公司通过银行账户转移资金时,银行也未被要求知晓相关交易的背后都有什么人。
This is ideal when the entire resultset is not actually required, since it more effectively uses the available memory. 当实际上并不需要整个结果集时,这将是理想的,因为它能够更有效地使用可用内存。
We recommend that you perform this procedure when both active and passive nodes are available; however, that is not required. 建议当主动和被动节点均可用时执行该步骤,但这不是必需的。
When I'm in a sketch mode, not knowing what objects are required, this is a great technique to test drive. 当我处于“素描模式”&也就是不知道我需要什么对象的时候,用这种技术来推动测试驱动是非常棒的。
We recommend that you use this naming convention when defining event handlers for your own events, but it is not required; you can use any valid subroutine name. 建议使用此命名约定定义您自己事件的事件处理程序,但这并不是必选的方法;您可以使用任何有效的子例程名称。
Manual push-and-pull device facilitates customers to access to ventilation and light when fans are not required. 手动推拉装置.方便客户在无需使用风机时也能透风采光。
When this occurs, the person is not required to a criminal charge, and no trial is required. 当这种情况发生时,这个人就不会被要求为此刑事案件而辩护,也不会有初审。
When you are not able to perform at the required level, you can't cut the mustard. 当你不能表现出一定的水平时,你不会成功。
When applying for birth registration, the attendance of the newborn baby is not required. 在办理出生登记时,该名新生婴儿无须在场。
The basic thrust is to provide a high-volume transport for use when reliability is not required or is maintained in a different manner. 如果可靠性不是必需的或者可靠性是以不同方式进行维护,那么基本要求就是为使用提供一个高容量的传输。
A time period when you are not required to work. 不须工作的一段时间。
Also the delivery from the pumps should be off-loaded when not required to operate the mechanism, in order to prevent overheating. 它可以被制作成不同型号以适应操纵机械所要求的压力容积。
When strict consistency is not required, create pools of replicated and redundant read data. 在不需要严格一致性时,为要读取的数据做复制和冗余。
Thus, when magnetism is not required, the magnetic force is decreased to the minimum so that use inconvenience is reduced. 如此,在不需磁性时,将该磁力降到最低,以减少使用上的不便。
When you create a relationship between tables, the common fields are not required to have the same names, although it is often the case that they do. 在创建表之间的关系时,公共字段不一定具有相同的名称,但实际它们往往是相同的。
It's just a nice bonus when you're traveling to Ashenvale, but it is not required. 有这任务仅是当你前往梣谷时可获得不错的经验值,但这不是必须的。
This parameter specifies the minimum required assembly interference of the fit when the coupling still has not achieved the required loading capacity. 这个参数指定的最小的需要的配合的安装干涉,当联接静止的没有达成需要的负载能力。
Provided that when such election does not take place the Registrar may appoint the required substitutes. 但如不作出上述选举,则注册官可委任所需的替代人士。
We believe in disclosing important information to consumers, including all of the ingredients and potential allergens used in our formulations – even when it's not required. 我们认为重要的信息披露给消费者,包括所有的成分和潜在的过敏原配方中使用我们的-即使它不是必需的。
But when we had to modernize our tax system, we could not find the required expertise anywhere in our country. 但当我们需要改革税收系统的时候,却找遍全国都没有找到所需的专业人才。
At experimental conditions, the preliminary study indicated that such Amur silver grass CMP may serve well as substitutes for wood pulp to ease up the acute supply of pulpwood when the brightness of paper or paper board product was not required. 在实验室试验条件下的初步研究证明,这种荻CMP应用在对白度要求不高的产品时,具有代替木浆使用或节约木材造纸潜力的可能性。
When spatial resolution is not required, diode laser absorption spectroscopy yields results integrated along a line. 不要求空间分辨率时,二极管激光吸收分光术给出沿一条线集成的结果。
When noncoherent detection is employed, instantaneous channel state information is not required which worse error performance is exhibits in low signal-to-nosie region. 采用非相干检测时,其优点为不需要信道状态信息,而缺点是在低信噪比情况下性能较差。